#Spring Time


Spring Time

video, 2017. 15 minutes

HERMAPHRODITE DIALOGUE #2 Spring Time is a 15 minutes three-channels video installation.
This work explore through a fractured narration, a series of philosophical nonsenses and contradictions.
Several figures are presented, a Buddhist, an extravagant «outsider», a partisan of the far right and a human-sized batrachian.
The position of the film is ambiguous, oscillating between scenes of everyday life, recitations and scenic actions.

As in my previous performances, the text serves as a link, a flow, allowing to travel from one character to another, from one subject to another and sometimes allowing contradictions. While ending with a collective dissection of this human-sized batrachian, the recurrent central figure of this piece.

Video stills: the buddhist master
Final dissection still
The Outsider, the buddhist master and the left wing girl. Movement detector. « Front National » glasses. The frog costume
Installation view, Pilotenkueche, Leipzig