Si Loin de Lui


Installation 2019

Composed of six banners and a sculpture, this work is inspired by the aesthetics of certain contemporary Christian representations, and mainly those which refer to modernist artists.
Indeed, it was by analysing these representations and taking inspiration from artists like Benoit Mercier that I noticed a strong link with other modernist artists like Henri Matisse or Alexander Calder. Often highlighting the joyful primitivism of their works while mingling it with religious dogma.
Thus, this mix of ideology seems quite contradictory, how modernist artists advocating for the idea of subjectivity and free expression of oneself through a disruption with the traditions (as utopian as it may seem today ) could be mixed with a religious vision which advocates the opposite, namely a partial delegation of one’s will towards the one of a divine entity.

This contradictory message is at the heart of this work, where the expression of a singularity can both be mixed with a delegation of one’s own will. The aesthetic of the outsider in art, expressed mainly through a strong visual identity and clearly identifiable could be re-examine here.

Installation view in an not accessible to the public part of the church. LED, mixed fabric.
Title of the banner: «Les règles du jeu», sewed fabric. Embroidered text: De petites bêtises, rendent les règles plus visibles.
Title of the banner: «La Roue», « Jamais Assez Unique sewed fabric. Embroidered text: Jamais assez unique.
Installation details
Installation details