Le Camp


Installation/Video 2018

This project, shot in June 2019, still have to be edited.
Performed over a period of 24 hours in a vacant lot near Brussels, it stages a Z.A.D. filmed like a reality TV show (including a confessional, karaoke, etc …). Five actors are present and for each of them is assigned a tent, on it, is painted an idol of contemporary society: Lady Gaga, Maître Gims etc …

This project aims to draw up a critic of mass entertainment, an entertainement that is more aimed to drug people rather than operating a useful cathartic function. It is then in an approach of parodying and deconstruction of forms that I would like to take these entertainment, too often dehumanized, closer to reality.

The intention here is therefore to construct a critic that plays with ambiguities from the start. Indeed, the idea of ​​mixing a Z.A.D (symbol of resistance) with icons of pop culture and references to reality TV seems very perverse. But it is in this in-between that I want to place this project, in front of this entertainment that drugs us, the resistance is healthy, but almost already nipped in the bud. Obsolete.

Like an eternal fight, where we should constantly redefine what surrounds us to prevent it from alienating and poisoning us. In that sense, it is no coincidence that the camp and the shooting takes place over a period of 24 hours, the idea of ​​a cycle is a determining factor.

Just like the idea of ​​intersecting the still life scenes and those of the spectacles in the camp, this collage aims is to highlight the difference between the banality of everyday life and the shows, which constantly fail to transcend the previous, their carnival functions are inoperative and it is perhaps in this failure explicitly shown here that they can, little by little, make sense again.

Video stills of the cofessional
Painting details, delimitation of the shooting area, the alien character and installation detail.